Hi, I am Brock.

I am |

About Me

If there were more than 24 hours in a day, I would probably spend a lot of my extra time discovering and exploring new tech. Some areas of interest that I plan to explore more deeply: artificial intelligence, shader programming, game development, Linux OS, Containers, and Serverless event-driven applications. I am also very passionate about music, so I love any opportunity to explore intersections between music and software.

People who know me say I am friendly yet very driven and goal-oriented. I have an innate desire to have things done right and deliver meaningful contributions for those I work with. Making steady progress is what keeps me going.



MuleSoft MuleSoft
Serverless Framework Serverless Framework
Serverless Stack Serverless Stack
Spring Boot

My Projects

This Website

July 2023

I decided to revamp my portfolio website using industry best practices and modern tech. This website is the end result. I switched from vanilla JS and a flask backend to a typescript NextJS static frontend. The solution is entirely serverless. All infrastructure (including the S3 bucket and cloudfront distribution) is defined using the Serverless Stack IaC framework and hosted on AWS. All deployments into dev and prod environments are automated with a gitlab CICD script.

Koch Industries

February 2023

During my time at Koch Industries, I gained experience working on a variety of projects for several software platforms. I built and supported integrations and APIs using Mulesoft and AWS, React, Angular, and ASP.NET. I helped implement AGILE SCRUM practices with one of my clients, which greatly improved the communication of development tasks. I also built an integration to enable development task visualization and allow informed decisions for project management. I received a lot of positive feedback about my ability to learn and adapt to many initiatives quickly. Later on, I began spending more time mentoring developers new to the team or project and laid the foundation for a project template system that increased our team's consistency and efficiency greatly.

Catalyte: Health Portal Website

November 2020

The Final Project at Catalyte was to design a full stack Health Portal application solo, under a short time limit, and with no external help. The Health portal allowed patients to schedule and view previous visits. There is admin access that allows viewing and managing all patients and appointments. Both the frontend and the backend had automated testing suites.

Maze Solver

October 2020

This project was made to learn more about python and how to implement the different search algorithms. The program runs in pygame and lets you interactively draw in a grid and test maze solutions using the following algorithms: Greedy Best-First, BFS, DFS, and AStar search.

MineSweeper Solver

October 2020

This is an assignment I submitted to a CS50 AI class I took. I later added extra functionality to this. The python application, developed in pygame, is able to recognize 'safe spots' in a minesweeper board using multiple patterns that we often use ourselves to play. It has AI auto-solve and manual solve options.

Catalyte: Simulated War Card Game

October 2020

One of the projects we were given during the Intermediate Programming module of the Catalyte program was to write a Simulated Card game in Java. This involved writing the logic for the entire game played to completion. It covered all edge cases and tiebreakers, printing out the state of the game each round.

Catalyte: Garden Center API

October 2020

One of the projects we were given during the Spring Boot module of the Catalyte program was to write an API and database schema for a fictional Garden Center company with Spring Boot and PostgreSQL. The solution API and Database supports read and writes to store locations, inventory, products, transactions and more. The Data layer makes changes using ORM and The API has a full suite of unit and integration tests.

Catalyte: Hotel Booking Website

October 2020

The assignment, build a hotel booking website, was given at the end of the Frontend Frameworks Module of Catalyte. The site is able to login and sign up users, display booked hotel rooms, available rooms and their details. Users with admin access can access protected pages on the site to manage listings.

Pomodoro Clock

August 2020

This is a pretty straight-forward pomodoro timer app I built with the React framework. It passes the timer settings from the interface to the display using the React state. It can change the session and break length for the clock to run at various intervals. The Sass preprocessor was used for adding the CSS styles.

CS50 Finance

August 2020

This is my implementation of the Finance assignment from Harvard's CS50 class. CS50 Finance is a virtual stock trading web app built in flask. It can log users in and store stock data for each user into a database. It connects with a stock value API (IEX) to enable the user to look up the current price of any stock, and virtually buy and sell them while keeping track of the user's holdings.

Generative Midi Music Maker

August 2020

Inspired by a project called https://www.musi-co.com/, I decided to try my own version of music generation software. This passion project is able to create midi files programmatically. It randomizes the selection of instrument tracks, tempo, key signature, song title, rhythms and more.


July 2020

I was inspired to build this repertoir management web app so I could easily track my progress as I learned new songs. Repertoirium features a user login/register system, a song lookup function with audio playback using the Deezer API, user repertoir storage, a chat page, a tempo tracker, and more. This is one of my bigger projects and I grew much more familiar with full-stack web development as well as working with APIs, socket.io, and AJAX. I went with vanilla JavaScript for the front-end logic and the Python library Flask for the back-end. It is capable of storing multiple users' data in a local session as well as into a permanent PostgreSQL database to persist after logout.

Drum Beat Maker

July 2020

This web app that was built with React lets you create drum beats using up to 12 instruments by pointing and clicking to place notes on an interactive grid. Building this webapp was instrumental in getting me familiar with the React Framework. I have plans to expand the Drum Beat Maker's functionality to include more drumkits, time signature settings. I hope to eventually implement some of it's functionality into a fully fledged music composing webapp.

v1.0 of this website

July 2020

I built this website too! I liked the opportunity it gave to implement my own UI in my preferred style and see it all in action. After finishing this one, it was apparent that I tend to gravitate toward a sleek, minimalist design. I especially had fun implementing the typewriter effect on the landing page

C++ Data Structures

July 2020

I created this repository to hold all of my implementations of some the most vital data structures in programming. This was very helpful in understanding the workings of the popular data structures used in computer science. I decided to take the challenge of implementing them in a lower-level language. This helped me get a better perspective of what exactly is going on regarding the allocation and storage of the data structures' building blocks in memory. It also gave me a good understanding of the pros and cons of the structures and their appropriate use cases.

Let's Work Together!

If you have any questions for me or would like to work on something you can reach me with the links below. I love collaborating and I'm eager for any opportunity to meet new people and try new things.